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Attitude Management: Ensuring Success in Corporate World


Prof. Kunal Gaurav
Faculty Member (Marketing)
ICFAI National College

Ms. Soni Sinha passed her M.B.A from a reputed Business School and Joined a multinational bank as an Ast. Manager (Marketing). Once a Project was assigned to her, she was very much excited for the Project & She prepared the report and submitted to her boss with the expectation that boss will appreciate her effort. Her boss read the report next day & discovers that the absence of field based information and insight. He was annoyed with her and asked: "when will these MBAs learn to balance analysis with common sense?" meanwhile the lack of positive feedback she had expected, make Soni disheartened. He wonders whether she should start looking for a different organization to work in.

This is not a story for a single Sony Sinha; this is a common story for most of the new generation young managers.

Why Attitude Management is needed?

                                                 "If you are in Rome then live like a Roman"

Attitude is nothing this is state of mind towards an object (object may be an individual, organization, event, environment & situation). I observed it at the time of interaction with students that most of the 'A' grade students have attitude problem. They suffer from a feeling that 'they know everything'. Moving from family friendly class room to unpredictable, cut throat corporate environment young MBAs feel difficulty to manage their expectations.

One needs to manage his/her attitude to ensure success in his/her personal and professional life.

The Campus to Corporate Shift

One needs to learn following tools to manage his attitude and impression to ensure success in their profession;

1. Recognize your Uniqueness: we all are different regarding physical and psychological traits. It helps us to ask what our unique selling propositions (USPs) are, because every thing is sold in the market on the basis of USP. No one is free from weaknesses, study shows that the person have maximum strength have more weaknesses but you need to highlight your strengths (USP) to get competitive advantages and ensure  positive image in front of others.

2. Focus only on Goals and Efforts: An individual without a goal is like a car without a steering. Since the final outcome of any effort depend on lots of variables, many of which may not be wholly predictable, it may help the new generation managers to plan for the goal, focus on the effort, but to attach his or her satisfaction to these only and not the final outcome.

3. The Principle of Cause and effect: Here we need to recall Newton's third law of Motion i.e. to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. When this principle applied to the workplace, it enables young manager to take responsibility for his/her action. An old saying 'Tit for tat' helps the fresh MBAs in choosing a wiser ,long-term oriented course of action, rather than a tempting but potentially disastrous 'short cuts' approach to a problem. Moreover, an awareness of this principle keeps discontent at bay, when short term outcomes fail to match expectations or efforts.

4. The 3 As and the 1E: Anger, Anxiety, self centric ambition and the ego are some of the common energy sappers at the workplace. In class room we train a student to make them competitive. Along with technical expertise an individual must have enough ability to manage their 3As and 1E to ensure better productivity at the work place.

5. Ask Principle of Success: If one wishes to ensure success in his personal and professional career he/ she must remember this principle. This is all about Attitude, Knowledge & Skills. One needs to have positive attitude, some additional and unique skills along with good knowledge for their work area to be successful in all their acts.

Now this can be concluded that one new generation, young manager can prove his/her capability after considering the above principles.